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Common Camping Facts
1. Camping Can Relieve Stress and Anxiety.
If you are camping with people you despise, the adventure will probably turn into disaster. For most people though, camping is sheer joy. You feel relaxed and refreshed after each trip no matter what. The fresh air fills your lungs with life and you breathe with renewed energy. The trees calm your eyes and soothe the soul, singing like a bird in flight and playing the harp as an angel on clouds.
One of my previous articles, Hiking Health Benefits: Lose Weight and Boost Mindfulness, touches on everything you can expect to gain from spending time outdoors. While the piece does not address camping specifically, many of the benefits of hiking transfer over to camping.
2. Camping is Rising in Popularity, Especially among Millennials.
If you cannot afford to go on a vacation abroad, then you might as well go on one at home. According to Kampgrounds of America Inc., more and more mellennials are opting for the camping trip. It makes complete sense to me. I cannot really afford to travel right now, so the next best thing is to head to my neighborhood national park. The outdoor industry should take note.
This fact, for you dear reader, means you do not have to travel far or spend much to embrace vitality and enjoy life. All you need to do is to take a look in your backyard.
3. Each Year in the United States, 40 Million Go Camping.
That’s a lot of people. Almost 15% of the United States goes camping. You can undoubtedly find a friend near you who will more than willingly go on a camping trip with you. Just ask around. You are bound to find someone who can show you the ropes. You do not need to be an expert.
4. Campers Average 2.7 Nights at Campgrounds.
This was a new one for me. But when you think about this fact in retrospect, it makes sense. You do not have to camp for days on end. All you need is a free weekend. If you are working a 9 – 5 or a similar schedule, then you are bound to find two days off every now again. Pack the Thursday night before work ends on Friday, drive to the campgrounds at the end of the next day, and enjoy yourself for the next couple days.
Facts Which Will Blow Your Mind
5. Raccoons May Look Cute and Cuddly, but You Should NOT Pet Them.
According to OutsideOnline, raccoons helped to cause over 650 deaths from 1999 to 2007. That is a frightening statistic. Even though they are nicknamed ‘trash pandas,’ you definitely do not want to snuggle with them. Their razor sharp claws can tear you apart. Ouch. Let’s talk about a more pleasant fact next.
6. You Can Calculate the Temperature with Crickets.
This was a new one for me. It’s actually quite cool and interesting. In the Spring and Summer, start by counting the number of cricket chirps you hear in fourteen seconds. Take the number you find and add 40. The sum is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
It’s a useful skill to have if you are not carrying an outdoor thermometer along with you.
7. More Than 12,000 Day and Resident Camps Exist in the United States Alone.
With that many choices to choose from, you can be sure to find a campground near you. It only takes a little research and a bit of searching around on your part. You can find a campsite to satisfy your taste buds. Some places obviously have more campsites than others.
Some Just Make You Chuckle
8. When You Socialize with Your Fellow Campers, You Feel Better.
You’re all out there to get away from your day-to-day lives and enjoy yourselves, so why not embrace each other? When I’m outdoors and in nature, I’ve noticed, at least for me, I want to embrace those I am with as brothers and sisters. The greenery and scenery makes you see the bigger picture.
Life is short and all we have is each other, so let’s stop fighting each other and focus on what really matters.
9. Only 2/3 of Campers Actually Use Tents.
You would have thought more people would sleep in tents but it is not the case. Some of those crazy campers either spend their nights in a sleeping bag under the stars or under the shade of a tarp. It’s not so bad when you get used to it. Until then though, I will stick to my tent thank you very much.
10. 100% of Campers Who Go Camping, Go Outside.
This fact was an intelligence test. If you camp inside your home in a tent, you might want to reconsider your priorities and shift outside for a better experience. Life is a lot more enjoyable under the sun and starry night sky. It’s not camping when you live inside a house. Embrace the outdoors.
Do You Need a Camping Chair?
You should be all set to go. You now know a bunch of facts to impress others around the campfire with. Show off your knowledge and you can rest assured you will make for a better friend.
If you want to sit more comfortably around the campfire and to enjoy the starry night better, then you should check out one of my previous articles, The Best Lightweight Folding Camping Chairs of 2019. (do not fret if it’s 2035 and this article still reads 2019; I update the ‘best of’ pieces on an annual basis :)). If you are looking for a chair, you can find one that is right for you in the article. Check it out and your butt will thank you.